
Queen's Platinum Jubilee Weekend 2nd to 5th June 2022

7th of December, 2021

A momentous occasion for our Country will take place from Thursday 2nd to Sunday 5th June, including an extended Bank Holiday weekend. This will no doubt provide will provide an opportunity for local communities such as ours, to come togeth...

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Winter is truly here!

7th of December, 2021

Following Storm Arwen, it seems Storm Barra is in its wake. Lancashire County Council's gritting teams will again be out at night & in all weathers to protect us as we travel. Please, if your journey is not necessary, and the wea...

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Scams, Scams, Scams!

7th of December, 2021

Lancashire Trading Standards has issued the latest Consumer Alert Report, please see the attached document. Unfortunately, especially at this time of year the unscrupulous will attempt to prey on the more vulnerable in society: therefore...

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Remembrance Day Service 2021

15th of November, 2021

On a beautiful November morning, following a church service at St Marys Mellor, during which the "Book of Remembrance" was blessed, the Rev'd Karen Herschell led the choir and parishioners on the short walk to the War Memorial.

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Casual Vacancy for Mellor Parish Council

6th of November, 2021

A vacancy has occurred for Mellor Parish Council and due process must be followed. If you are interested in being considered for the Vacancy, please email [email protected], or s...

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