
Latest Scam warning

29th of January, 2021

Lancashire County Council trading Standards have issues an update, please see the linked bulletin

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Support during Covid - Let's all help where we can!

16th of January, 2021

Covid restrictions apply to us all, but some will be finding life more difficult than others just now. This may include physical needs, but also our mental health, whatever our age. Please see the attached poster and inform any you know of th...

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Free Gas Safety Checks

8th of January, 2021

Would you like free, impartial advice on saving energy & keeping your home warm? Have a look at the attached flyer, by opening the link

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Drugs Misuse - what should you do?

6th of January, 2021

Are you woried about possible drug use in Mellor and Mellor Brook? Residents have noticed drug paraphenalia, but what should you do if you have suspicions? Cllr. Stella Brunskill has been discussing these concerns with local Police & their adv...

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Ribble Valley Community Hub is there to help

6th of January, 2021

A New National Lockdown is now in force in order that Covid 19 can be beaten. This will cause problems for the more vulnerable in society, but there is help at hand, via Ribble Valley Community Hub, who can be contacted on 01200 414597 Monday to F...

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