
E V Charging Points come to Mellor

4th of December, 2020

Mellor Parish Council has been working with Mellor Community Association and Charge My Street in order to install Electronic Vehicle Charging Points at the Village Hall. These will be sited in the Car Park, across from the Main Entrance & work...

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Woodland at The Rann, Saccary Lane - Right to Bid

18th of November, 2020

Ribble Valley Borough Council has received notice from the current owner of part of the Woodland at The Rann of his intention to dispose of the asset. Mellor Parish Council applied and was successful in registering the Woodland as an Ass...

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We Will Remember Them

10th of November, 2020

101 names of those from Mellor, Mellor Brook, Balderstone & Osbaldeston who gave their lives in both World Wars and subsequently have so far been identified. Mellor Parish Council, with support from Balderstone Parish Council wished to record ...

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Remembrance Sunday under Covid rules and a project to commemorate "The Fallen"

6th of November, 2020

A Message from Chairman of Mellor Parish Council, Cllr. Nick Marsden: "Despite the fact that there will be no Remembrance Service on Sunday, I will make sure that the wreath is placed at the War Memorial. It will be an honour to lay...

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Covid 19- Ribble Valley in Tier 3

22nd of October, 2020

As we all know, Lancashire has been designated a Very High Risk Area Please see the link to know what you can and cannot do, in order to protect yourself, any those around you.

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