
Mellor Play Area - social distancing & supervision needed!

19th of October, 2020

Due to the latest Government Guidance as Lancashire has now moved into Very High Coronavirus Restriction Area, Mellor Parish Council continues to consider whether to allow Mellor Play Area to remain open & therefore continues to monito...

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Lancashire Fire urges residents to buy safe this Bonfire Night

15th of October, 2020

As fireworks go on sale to the public today Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service (LFRS) is asking residents to ensure they buy suitable products meant for garden use. With all organised displays cancelled for 2020 LFRS fear that many peopl...

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Parcel Delivery Scam - Christmas approaches, so be warned!

13th of October, 2020

You may have heard by advertisements and across social media that there are various incentives to buy goods at reduced prices in the period up to Christmas. However there is a scam which we all need to be aware of and especially to warn those we k...

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Remembrance Day 2020

9th of October, 2020

Remembrance Day this year will, of necessity be commemorated in a different way in order to protect us all. There will be no Service at Mellor War Memorial, and the laying of wreaths must be carried out in our own time, with social dista...

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Green energy for local communities - a way forward?

9th of October, 2020

If made law, the Local Electricity Bill would unlock the huge potential for more community-scale renewable energy by empowering communities to sell their energy directly to local people. This would have direct benefits for Parish, Town and Communi...

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