
Consumer Alert - don't let the scammers win!

7th of October, 2020

Lancashire County Council regularly informs about the latest issues we all need to look out for. Please see the Consumer Alert bulletin

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Mellor Library to reopen

24th of September, 2020

Great News!  Mellor Library is to reopen 30 September 2020. However, due to Covid regulations and in order to keep everyone safe, there are changes, so please raed this before you go; details of the opening times are included.

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Mellor Play Area has been re-opened

4th of September, 2020

Mellor Parish Council continues to follow the latest Government Guidance and asks that all do so in order to protect one another and beat Coronavirus. However, if it is found that some are abusing the facility, putting themselves or othe...

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Parish Council Casual Vacancy are you interested?

4th of September, 2020

Following the recent sad death of Cllr. Noel Walsh there is currently a vacancy on Mellor Parish Council. Would you like to know more? There has been no request for an Election due to the Casual Vacancy for a Member of Mellor Par...

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Speed Kills - hopefully not in Mellor

22nd of August, 2020

During lockdown our roads have been quieter. However the Parish Council is now receiving a number of serious complaints about speeding in & around Mellor - this is unacceptable, but could be dangerous or even fatal.Particular areas highlighted...

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