
Bus service improvements

2nd of July, 2020

Bus services are changing across Lancashire. Whilst there are more, sensible rules to keep all as safe as possible, for example wearing face masks and using contactless payments where possible, or correct fare when not, the improved services open ...

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Mellor Play Area - remains closed

2nd of July, 2020

Mellor Parish Council continues to follow the latest Government Guidance on Coronavirus. Whilst it may be possible to re-open some facilities, the guidance does mean continual cleaning, disinfecting and ensuring social distancing. T...

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Mellor Village Show - Coronavirus Version!

2nd of July, 2020

Unfortunately and reluctantly due to the continuing situation with Coronavirus, the decision has been taken to cancel Mellor Village Show for 2020. However,a different type of event will take place! The exact ...

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The Harry Challenge raising funds for NHS

11th of June, 2020

Harry Clarkson, a passionate gardener sadly passed away on 29 April 2020. Harry was involved with building Mellor Village Hall, a keen member of the former Mellor Garden Club and instrumental in setting up Mellor Village Show. He had the vision to...

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VE Day 75th Anniversary Commemorations

4th of June, 2020

We’d love to see communities getting involved (while observing Government Guidelines on Covid-19): so why not have a street party with everyone in their own homes, or bake a cake, or get the kids to make some bunting to string out. Let ...

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