- 20.21-MPC Explanation-of-variances.pdf
- 2016.17 Conclusion of Audit.pdf
- 2019.09.09MPCCommsPolicy.pdf
- 2019.12.03NoticereCasualVacancy.pdf
- 2020.02.28CasualVacancynotice2.pdf
- 2020.03.05 Annual Parish Meeting Minutes.pdf
- 2020.03.23NMJHTTEmergencyPowersRefMPCEM26.03.2020.pdf
- 2020.07.01 NM JH TT Emergency Powers extended.pdf
- 2020.08.13 MPC signed AGAR .pdf
- 2020.10.01 NM JH TT Emergency Powers further extended.pdf
- 2020.10.15 NM JH TT NEW Emergency Powers.pdf
- 2020.10.26 Policy on anonymous comms.pdf
- 2020.10.26 Policy regarding the protection of staff and councillors.pdf
- 2020.10.26 Vexatious complaints policy.pdf
- 2020.11.23 MPC LA0140 AGAR S. 1&2.pdf
- 2020.11.23 MPC LA0140 S3.pdf
- 2020.11.26 MPC Conclusion of audit notice.pdf
- 2020.12.17 MPC Accessibility Statement.pdf
- 2020.21BudgetshowingPrecept.pdf
- 20200300PCNewsletterMarchApril2020.pdf
- 20201201 Newsletter.pdf
- 2020AnnualParishMeetingAgenda.pdf
- 2021-10 October Minutes.pdf
- 2021.01.26 NM JH TT NEW Emergency Powers.pdf
- 2021.04.15 NM JH TT FURTHER Emergency Powers.pdf
- 2021.05.20 Complaints procedure REVIEWED 20.05.21.pdf
- 2021.05.20 Complaints procedure REVIEWED 20.05.21docx.pdf
- 2021.05.27 Recording-of-Council-Meetings-Policy.pdf
- 2021.05.31 MPC Finance Terms of Ref DRAFT.pdf
- 2021.09.02 Conclusion of Audit 2020.21-converted-compressed.pdf
- 2021.22 contact details MPC.docx
- 20210720 Final Agenda Extraordinary meeting. (1).pdf
- 20210800 PC Newsletter V1.2 Final.pdf
- 20210827 WS AGENDA 2021-09-02.doc
- 20211007 Agenda Public Copy.pdf
- 2022-23 Bank Reconciliation.pdf
- 2022.03.03 Annual Parish Meeting Minutes.docx
- 2022.04.01 Final for PC Financial Regulations policy .pdf
- 2022.04.04 MPC Fixed Assets Register.docx
- 2022.04.04 MPC Fixed Assets Register.pdf
- 2022.04.07 APPROVED Equality Policy .pdf
- 2022.04.07 APPROVED MPC publication scheme.pdf
- 2022.04.07 MPC APPROVED Standing Orders .pdf
- 2022.04.21-Explanation-of-Variances-2021-22.xls
- 2022.07.07 APPROVED GDPR Privacy Notice.docx
- 2022.07.07 QC APPROVED Communications Policy.docx
- 2022.08.13 Conclusion of Audit Notice 2021.22.jpg
- 2022.09.01 APPROVED Health-&-Safety-Policy.pdf
- 2022.23 budget showing Precept approved 02.12.21 .xlsx
- 2023-03 MAR MPC Public Agenda.pdf
- 2023-04 April Parish Council Minutes.pdf
- 2023-05 MAY Parish Council Meeting.pdf
- 2023-06 JUN DRAFT Minutes MPC.pdf
- 2023-06 JUN MPC Public Agenda.pdf
- 2023-06 JUN Minutes MPC.pdf
- 2023-07 JUL Minutes MPC.pdf
- 2023-07 JUL MPC PUBLIC Agenda.pdf
- 2023-07 JUL MPC PUBLIC Agenda (AGAR).pdf
- 2023-07 JUL Minutes Ex Gen Meeting.pdf
- 2023-07 JUY DRAFT Minutes MPC.pdf
- 2023-09 SEP DRAFT Minutes MPC.pdf
- 2023-09 SEP DRAFT Minutes- EGM .pdf
- 2023-09 SEP Minutes MPC.pdf
- 2023-09 SEP Minutes- EGM .pdf
- 2023-09 SEP Public AGENDA.pdf
- 2023-10 OCT DRAFT Minutes MPC.pdf
- 2023-11 NOV Council Minutes.pdf
- 2023-11 NOV FinanceAgenda.pdf
- 2023-11 NOV MPC Agenda.pdf
- 2023.01.05 MPC Fixed Assets Register.pdf
- 2023.01.12 AMENDED MELLOR PARISH COUNCIL GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE as signed 2017.04.01 .pdf
- 2023.01.12 MPC - Retention Policy reviewed approved .pdf
- 202301.12 AMENDED MPC GDPR Privacy Notice.pdf
- 2024-02 FEB MPC Agenda.pdf
- 21_explanation_of_variances_2019-20.xls
- 23-24 CASHBOOK.xlsx
- 29072021 Council meeting Approved Minutes.doc
- 31-03-2023 Budget v ACTUAL Cash flow Projection 2023-24.pdf
- 31-03-2023 Explanation-of-Variances-2022-2023.pdf
- AGENDA 2016-01-14 Special public.pdf
- AGENDA 2016-02-04 public.pdf
- AGENDA 2016-03-03 public.pdf
- AGENDA 2016-04-07 public.pdf
- AGENDA 2016-05-05 public.pdf
- AGENDA 2016-06-02public.pdf
- AGENDA 2016-07-07 public.pdf
- AGENDA 2016-08-04 public.pdf
- AGENDA 2016-10-06 PUBLIC.pdf
- AGENDA 2016-11-03 public.pdf
- AGENDA 2016-12-01 public.pdf
- AGENDA 2017.01.19 public.pdf
- AGENDA 2017.02.02.pdf
- AGENDA 2017.03.02 public.pdf
- AGENDA 2017.04.06 public.pdf
- AGENDA 2017.05.04 public.pdf
- AGENDA 2017.06.01 public.pdf
- AGENDA 2017.07.06 public.pdf
- AGENDA 2017.08.03 public.pdf
- AGENDA 2017.10.05 public.pdf
- AGENDA 2017.11.02 public.pdf
- AGENDA 2017.12.07 public.pdf
- AGENDA 2018.02.01 public.pdf
- AGENDA 2018.03.01 public.pdf
- AGENDA 2018.04.05 public.pdf
- AGENDA 2018.05.03 public.pdf
- AGENDA 2018.07.05 public.pdf
- AGENDA 2018.08.16 Extraordinary Meeting.pdf
- AGENDA 2018.09.06 public.pdf
- AGENDA 2018.10.04 public.pdf
- AGENDA 2018.11.01 public.pdf
- AGENDA 2018.12.06 public.pdf
- AGENDA 2019.02.07 public.pdf
- AGENDA 2019.03.07 public.pdf
- AGENDA 2019.04.04 public.pdf
- AGENDA 2019.05.20 public.pdf
- AGENDA 2019.07.04.pdf
- AGENDA 2019.6.06 public.pdf
- AGENDA 2020.08.13 PUBLIC.pdf
- AGENDA 2020.10.15 PUBLIC.pdf
- AGENDA 2020.12.17 PUBLIC.pdf
- AGENDA 2021-11-04.pdf
- AGENDA 2021.05.27 PUBLIC.pdf
- AGENDA 2021.06.23 PUBLIC.pdf
- AGENDA2019.10.03public.pdf
- AGENDA2019.11.07public.pdf
- AGENDA2019.12.05public.pdf
- AGENDA2019.9.05public.pdf
- AGENDA2020.01.16public.pdf
- AGENDA2020.02.06.pdf
- AGENDA2020.02.27PUBLIC.docx.pdf
- AGENDA2020.03.05PUBLIC.pdf
- AGM Agenda 2016.pdf
- AGM Agenda 2017.pdf
- AGM Agenda 2018.pdf
- AGM Agenda 2019.05.20.pdf
- AGM Agenda 2021.pdf
- AGM Agenda 2022.docx
- AGM Minutes 2016.pdf
- AGM Minutes 2017.pdf
- AGM Minutes 2018.pdf
- AGM Minutes 2019.05.20.pdf
- AGM Minutes 2021.05.20.pdf
- Accounting Statements 2015.16 001.jpg
- Agenda 01.12.2021.pdf
- Agenda 03.02.2022.pdf
- Agenda 03.03.2022.pdf
- Agenda 07.04.2022.docx
- Agenda 11th July 2024.docx
- Agenda 3 October 2024.pdf
- Agenda 5th December.pdf
- Agenda 5th June 2024.docx
- Agenda 5th September 2024.pdf
- Agenda 6th February 2025.pdf
- Agenda 6th March 2025.pdf
- Agenda 7th November 2024.pdf
- Agenda APM 6th March 2025.pdf
- Agenda Annual Parish Meeting 2016.pdf
- Agenda Annual Parish Meeting 2017.pdf
- Agenda Annual Parish Meeting 2018.pdf
- Agenda April 2024.docx
- Agenda Extraordinary Meeting 27th June 2024.docx
- Agenda March 2024.docx
- Agenda May 2024.docx
- Agenda for public October 2023 - 29.08.23.pdf
- Annual PC Minutes 2022.05.05.docx
- Annual Parish Council Meeting 9th May 2024 Minutes.docx
- Annual Parish Council Meeting May 2024 Draft Minutes.docx
- Annual Parish Meeting April 2024 (1).docx
- Annual Parish Meeting Chairmans Report 2022.docx
- Annual Parish Meeting Chairmans Report 2022.pdf
- Appointment of the Internal Auditor.docx
- Appointment of the Internal Auditor.pdf
- Approved AGAR 2021.22 _compressed.pdf
- Approved Minutes 4th April 2024 (1).docx
- Approved budget 3rd November 2023 from Finance Meeting 2022.10.27 Budget & Precept to 2023.24.pdf
- Bank Statement at 31.04.2024.pdf
- Bank reconciliation 01.04.19 to 31.03.20.xlsx
- Chairmans Report to Annual PC Meeting 2021.pdf
- Co-option Policy 060225.pdf
- Complaints and Vexatious Complaints Policy 110724.docx
- Complaintsprocedure19.01.17.docx.pdf
- Conclusion of Audit MPC 02.10.17.pdf
- Dec of interests Q Colborn.pdf
- December2019-compressed.pdf
- Draft Minutes E O Meeting 13.07.23.pdf
- Draft Minutes 23rd May 2024 Finance Committee.docx
- Draft Minutes Finance Committee Meeting 23rd May 2024.docx
- EGM Sep 2023.pdf
- Exercise of Public Rights Notice 17.06.19 26.07.19.pdf
- Exercise of Public Rights Notice.pdf
- Explanation-of-Variances-2023-2024.xls
- External Audit 2017.18 docs .pdf
- External Audit Certificate & Report 001.jpg
- FINAL approved 16-Making-provision-for-the-exercise-of-public-rights-2021-22 (1).docx
- FINANCE Agenda 12.07.2022.docx
- FINANCE Agenda 25.08.2022.docx
- FINANCE Agenda 26.01.23.docx
- FINANCE Agenda 27.10.2022.docx
- Finance Agenda 21032024.docx
- Finance Committee Meeting Agenda May 2024.docx
- Finance Minutes 210324 (1).docx
- GDPRPrivacyNotice.pdf
- Grant Application Over £500 from MPC.docx
- Grant Application form FEB 2024.docx
- Internal Audit Report 001.jpg
- Items of Income and Expenditure over £100 2023-24.pdf
- LA0140 S3.pdf
- LA0140AGAR.pdf
- LA0140S3.pdf
- MINUTES 2016-01-14.pdf
- MINUTES 2016-02-04.pdf
- MINUTES 2016-03-03.pdf
- MINUTES 2016-04-07.pdf
- MINUTES 2016-05-05.pdf
- MINUTES 2016-06-02.pdf
- MINUTES 2016-07.07.pdf
- MINUTES 2016-08-04.pdf
- MINUTES 2016-09-01.pdf
- MINUTES 2016-10-06.pdf
- MINUTES 2016-11-03.pdf
- MINUTES 2016-12.01.pdf
- MINUTES 2017.01.19.pdf
- MINUTES 2017.02.02.pdf
- MINUTES 2017.03.02.pdf
- MINUTES 2017.04.06.pdf
- MINUTES 2017.05.04 amended.pdf
- MINUTES 2017.06.01.pdf
- MINUTES 2017.07.06.pdf
- MINUTES 2017.08.03.pdf
- MINUTES 2017.10.05.pdf
- MINUTES 2017.11.02.pdf
- MINUTES 2017.12.04.pdf
- MINUTES 2018.02.01.pdf
- MINUTES 2018.03.01.pdf
- MINUTES 2018.04.05.pdf
- MINUTES 2018.05.03.pdf
- MINUTES 2018.06.07.pdf
- MINUTES 2018.07.05.pdf
- MINUTES 2018.09.06.pdf
- MINUTES 2018.10.04.pdf
- MINUTES 2018.11.01.pdf
- MINUTES 2018.12.06.pdf
- MINUTES 2019.02.07.pdf
- MINUTES 2019.03.07.pdf
- MINUTES 2019.04.04.pdf
- MINUTES 2019.06.06.pdf
- MINUTES 2020.03.05.pdf
- MINUTES 2020.05.27.pdf
- MINUTES 2020.08.13.pdf
- MINUTES 2020.10.15.pdf
- MINUTES 2020.12.17.pdf
- MINUTES 2021.06.23 FINAL.docx
- MINUTES 2021.12.02.pdf
- MINUTES 2022.02.03.pdf
- MINUTES 2022.02.04.pdf
- MINUTES 2022.03.03.pdf
- MINUTES 2022.04.07.pdf
- MINUTES 2022.05.05.docx
- MINUTES 2022.05.19 Extraordinary Meeting.pdf
- MINUTES 2022.06.09.pdf
- MINUTES 2022.07.07.docx
- MINUTES 2022.07.07.pdf
- MINUTES 2022.09.01.docx
- MINUTES 2022.09.01.pdf
- MINUTES 2022.10.06-1.docx
- MINUTES 2022.10.06-1.pdf
- MINUTES 2022.11.03 .pdf
- MINUTES 2022.11.03 DRAFT.docx
- MINUTES 2022.12.01.docx
- MINUTES 2022.12.01.pdf
- MINUTES 2023.01.12.docx
- MINUTES 2023.02.02.pdf
- MINUTES 2023.03.02.pdf
- MINUTES from 02 February 2023.doc
- MINUTES2019.07.04.pdf
- MINUTES2019.09.05.pdf
- MINUTES2019.10.03.pdf
- MINUTES2019.11.07.pdf
- MINUTES2019.12.06.pdf
- MINUTES2020.01.16.pdf
- MINUTES2020.02.06.pdf
- MINUTES2020.02.27.docx.pdf
- MPC - Retention Policyapproved 04.07.19.pdf
- MPC 20-Bank-reconciliation.pdf
- MPC AGAR 2020.21 post approval.pdf
- MPC AGAR Approved 20.05.19.pdf
- MPC Cashbook 2022-2023.pdf
- MPC I & E over 100 to 31.03.17.pdf
- MPC IXE over 100.pdf
- MPC IXE over £100 2019.20.xlsx
- MPC IXE over £100 2020.21.pdf
- MPC IXE over £100 2021.22.xlsx
- MPC Items of Expenditure over 100 2022.23.pdf
- MPC Official Public Rights notice 2020.21.pdf
- MPC bank reconciliation at 31.03.22.xlsx
- MPC bank reconciliation at 31.03.24.xlsx
- MPC contact details 2020.21.pdf
- MPC explanation of variances 2018.19.pdf
- MPC explanation_of_variances 27.04.18.pdf
- MPCFixedAssetsRegister12.12.19.pdf
- MPCGrantsPolicy.pdf
- MPCNoticeofConclusionofAudit2018.19.pdf
- Mellor Feasibility Report Ver 1 final.pdf
- Mellor Feasibility Report.pdf
- Mellor Parish Council Financial Regulations Adopted 11.07.24 (2).pdf
- Mellor Parish Council Financial Regulations Adopted 11.07.24.docx
- Minor Issues Report 001.jpg
- Minutes 010224 (1).docx
- Minutes 010224.docx
- Minutes 070324 approved (1).docx
- Minutes 07102021 v1.pdf
- Minutes 11th july 2024.pdf
- Minutes 1st February 2024.pdf
- Minutes 2021.11.04 final.pdf
- Minutes 21st March 2024 Finance Committee.pdf
- Minutes 3rd October 2024.pdf
- Minutes 4th April 2024.pdf
- Minutes 5th December 2024.pdf
- Minutes 5th June 2024.pdf
- Minutes 5th September 2024.pdf
- Minutes 6th February 2025.pdf
- Minutes 7th March 2024.pdf
- Minutes 7th November 2024.pdf
- Minutes 9th May 2024 Annual Parish Council Meeting.pdf
- Minutes Annual Parish Meeting April 2024.docx
- Minutes Annual Parish Mtg 2016.pdf
- Minutes Annual Parish Mtg 2017.pdf
- Minutes Annual Parish Mtg 2018.pdf
- Minutes Annual Parish Mtg 2019.03.07.pdf
- Minutes Extraordinary Meeting 27th June 2024.docx
- Minutes October 2024.pdf
- Newsletter 110 May 2016.pdf
- Newsletter 111 Nov 2016.pdf
- Newsletter 112 April 2017.pdf
- Newsletter 113 Nov 2017.pdf
- Newsletter 114 May 2018.pdf
- Newsletter 115 Special Issue July 2018.pdf
- Newsletter 116 Dec 2018.pdf
- Newsletter117Summer2019.pdf
- Notice of Public Rights to Inspect Unaudited Accounts 23-24.docx
- Notice of conclusion of audit 2023-24 all-compressed.pdf
- Notice of conclusion of audit 2023-24 all.pdf
- PUBLIC AGENDA December 2023 - 01.12.23.docx
- PUBLIC Agenda 01.09.2022.docx
- PUBLIC Agenda 01.12.2022.docx
- PUBLIC Agenda 03.11.2022.docx
- PUBLIC Agenda 05.05.2022.docx
- PUBLIC Agenda 06.10.2022.docx
- PUBLIC Agenda 07.07.2022.docx
- PUBLIC Agenda 09.06.2022.docx
- PUBLIC Agenda 19.05.2022.docx
- PUBLIC Agenda12.01.2023.docx
- ParishCouncilscouncillornominationVacancy2.pdf
- Play Area Committee 2024 Terms of Reference.docx
- Public Agenda 02.02.23.docx
- Public Agenda April 2023.pdf
- RVBC Code of Conduct for Members.pdf
- Scanned MPC Exercise of Public Rights 19.08.20.pdf
- Small Grant Application Form 2024.docx
- Staffing Sickness Policy.docx
- Unaudited AGAR 2023-2024.pdf
- Unaudited Accounts 23-24-compressed (1).pdf
- Unaudited Accounts 23-24-compressed.pdf
- ^Audit Conclusion.pdf
- draft Minutes 5th June 2024.docx
- draft Minutes 5th September 2024.pdf
- draft Minutes 7th November 2024.pdf
- draft Minutes Extraordinary Meeting 27th June 2024.docx
- draft minutes 11th July 2024.pdf
- draft minutes 11th july 2024.docx